Cheap online store

the entry level solution

If you are at your first online sales experience or if you want to test the market, if you have few products or if you have a small budget, the cheap online store is the right solution for you. The entry-level software we provide is able to meet the basic requirements for online sales, without major claims.

The application is, in any case, able to carry out online sales activities in the best way, but with significantly lower costs compared to a standard online store.

The features and functionality make this platform an ideal platform to enter the market, with state-of-the-art technology and with all the tools that this type of solution offers you can sell online, extract statistical data, optimize product data sheets for SEO and do all the marketing activities that you consider appropriate.

Some of the features of the cheap online store:

  • generic description of the product
  • detailed description for the product sheet
  • setting the product variants
  • price setting
  • images per product
  • payment cart
  • classic shipping tools (limited compared to standard shop)
  • monitoring and analysis tools (limited)

The cheap online store…

… is the platform able to give to anyone the opportunity to enter the online sales market without the high investments normally required for a traditional ecommerce, making the system an excellent means of selling niche products, or to evaluate the commercial aspect of particular productions without upsetting the normal asset of the main store.

In its evolutions, many features have been added and gradually expanded, such as the addition of variants by product or the ability to showcase products directly on Facebook!

Facebook is a great window, much appreciated by those activities that push a lot on social media to establish themselves in the market and increase sales.

The economic online store is the ideal starting point to check if your business is working or before migrating to a higher-end application in terms of technology, performance and management capacity.

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